In house Executive Assistant: Per - $62-100K average annual salary; Glassdoor: $68-110K;

Zip Recruiter: $47-100K.  In house Project Coordinator: Per - $53-90K; Glassdoor - $57-89K;

Zip Recruiter: $22-40 per hour.  Est Average salary + average benefits package of medical, dental, vision,

paid time off, parental leave, tuition reimburse & disability is about 20% of salary + average bonus of $500-5K

(industry specific). Each position with pay, benefits & bonus package may be $90-110K

the needed office space and equipment.

VAR offers Affordable, Quality & Convenient Administrative Solutions to small  and medium businesses to help their company reach its potential. Whether you're looking for a small tweak or complete overhaul, VAR is here for you. Our services are available over the internet so you can still complete needed tasks.  Best business hours for VAR are:  M-W, 9am-4pm, Th, 9am-12pm.



Virtual Administrative Resource

The Affordable, Quality & Convenient Administrative Solution

who we are


High degree of reliable accuracy.

Internet based Virtual Executive Assistance.

Lower overhead costs.Competitive rates.

Listen intently to Client to produce desired results.

Adhere to established quality standards consistently applied to every project.

Control risks to reduce errors, improve quality and increase customer satisfaction. Client will be confident to use/display/present quality,

accurate VAR products in any setting.  Client satisfaction will encourage continued use of Administrative services of VAR and attract new Clients.

As the #1 Administrative Go-To Person for 20 years in the public sector I determined it was time to expand my Administrative services. The advancements made in technology have increased the number of employees and businesses operating from remote locations. Flexible work environments have enhanced many industries, cultivated professional growth, accelerated careers and greatly increased the demand for professional Administrative support. VAR is that professional Administrative support. VAR is the Administrative tool that will benefit individuals and small businesses regardless of their location or industry. 

Master of Management/Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Science/ Criminal Justice
Associate of Applied Business/Business Management
Paralegal Certificate
Project Management Certificate

VA Notary Public

VA Notary Signing Agent

Virtual Executive Assistance Business Services 

VAR is a flexible, internet based Executive Assistance Business Service located and operated in the US. VAR provides a competitive, cost effective option to in-house Executive Assistance.  Specializing in short and long term Administrative projects for Small & Medium Businesses Virtual Administrative Resource is the Administrative Solution for

Today's Workplace.